Mike’s 60th Birthday

Well – this week brought about the 60th Birthday for Micheal.

Mike became part of the family when he married Lynn in 1985. They were married on a dock in Port Orchard in August. They celebrated with a party in Milwaukee in October. Lynn and Mike used the community room of a condo of friend Doreen located in Germantown. Mike and Lynn made the food and supplied the drinks. The one thing I remember is the amount of Tuna Salad and other food. Mike cooks like I do – the more the better. 🙂

Several stories from that night that may show up in the family portion of the blog – not because they are anything bad – but you surely had to be there or know the people to understand why they are memories. 🙂

Anyways – Mike and Lynn moved out to WA state after falling in love with the area on their summer trips. That was back around 1988? In the early years they would make the road trip to WI each Christmas. As time went on that was getting to be a rough trip and weather always a concern trips started to taper off. Lynn travels annually for a visit. It is always great to have here back with us for a while.

Finding pictures of camera avoiding Mike actually turned up more than expected. A great help was being able to use photos Lynn has taken on the journeys she and Mike have take across the Western USA.

Mike is a hard working man. Some of his early professional work was helping Jerry build the place at Legend Lake. Jerry admired Mike’s worth ethic, how he was open to learning, and liked hanging out with Mike. One of the stories is framing the bedrooms – They are 8ft ceilings – but no allowance for the drywall so an 8ft piece of wall panel was a half inch too long and would have to be trimmed. :-). Mike also had a friend (Randy?) who did roofs – that helped a lot as Jerry and I think Mike were not too fond of the height.

Mike became a master craftsman and had a good business going in WA. The great recession of 2008 slowed things down, but it was also at a time when Mike could see the light of retirement ahead too. From the start he has always done what most contractors don’t – built for family and self. Mike’s “Seabeck Estate” was years of hard work and adding. The year before they sold the Florida room was added.

Special Features Flier – The Seabeck sales flyer.

And now he continues with making new improvements on the home in Gig Harbor that they have retired to.

Yep – Mike is one of a kind. And one of the family.

Happy Birthday Mike! 32 years in the family and looking to 30+ ahead yet to come. Stay healthy and happy.



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